
As the intersection between our physical world and digital information continues to blur, Extended Reality (XR) — encompassing Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR) — presents both opportunities and challenges. It is essential that we develop a framework rooted in human values to ensure that as we move forward, our humanity is not only preserved but enhanced through the possibilities XR offers. This manifesto serves as a guiding document outlining key principles that should underpin the development and implementation of Extended Reality technologies.

  1. Human Dignity and Respect: XR applications must respect the inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family as the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace.
  2. Privacy and Data Protection: XR technologies must be designed to safeguard users’ personal data and privacy, ensuring that data collection and storage are transparent and consensual.
  3. Digital Literacy and Education: Efforts must be made to educate individuals and communities on the potential risks and benefits of XR, cultivating a digitally literate society that can critically engage with these technologies.
  4. Accessibility and Inclusivity: XR must be developed with a universal design approach, ensuring accessibility for individuals of all abilities and promoting diverse representation in virtual spaces.
  5. Physical and Psychological Well-being: The development of XR should prioritize the physical and psychological health of users, and offer mechanisms to identify and alleviate negative impacts on mental health.
  6. Ethical Content Creation: Content creators must be encouraged to develop ethical content that does not perpetuate violence, discrimination, or misinformation, and that fosters positive societal values.
  7. Environmental Responsibility: XR technology development should consider the environmental impact, and strive for sustainability in production, distribution, and disposal processes.
  8. Ownership and Intellectual Property: Users’ rights to their creations in virtual spaces must be respected, and clear policies must be established regarding intellectual property and content ownership.
  9. Freedom of Expression and Creativity: XR should be a platform that allows freedom of expression and fosters creativity, while balancing this with the responsibility to prevent harm.
  10. Collaborative Governance and Accountability: Governments, industry, and civil society should collaboratively establish governance structures for XR that are transparent, accountable, and responsive to societal needs.

By adhering to these principles, we can cultivate a future in which Extended Reality not only revolutionizes our interaction with the digital world but does so in a manner that upholds and enriches our shared human values.